Friday, May 31, 2013


Summer is here and it's sunny <3
These last two weeks have been very intensive for me, I have been shooting a few different project for various companies (and a magazine!). I mostly post "artsy" stuff here on the blog, but maybe I should start posting more commercial stuff too? Opinions?

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Arabia Maskerad


party-puskan elämä on rankkaa

Finally got my photos from arabia maskerad last autumn scanned. The best part is I no longer have any memories of any of these shots..

Saturday, May 18, 2013


as the sun slips over the horiozont

Barcelona 2013

what allows me to breathe freely

An alternative for a series I made for our studio course at school. I might post the other one later.. :)

It's crazy that our first year at taik is now over. I feel like I've learned and changed a lot, but still it feels like I've been here only a few months! I'm happy that from now on I'll have a 3 months' summer vacation but at the same time it feels a bit empty.
I applied as a volunteer to Taiwan for 6 weeks, so keeping my fingers crossed that I'll be able to go! I think I still have to survive some kind of interview and stuff first.. Anyways I'll try to travel a lot this summer if I manage to scrap enough money for that! :)
So anyone who needs graduation photos, family portraits, photos of your kids or stuff or flat feel free to contact me! I also do graphic design and lay-outs, yay!

Saturday, May 4, 2013