Wednesday, July 11, 2012

TaiK and Tokyo

Again, it's been a while!
A lot has happened since the last time I wrote here, shame on me for not updating regularly..
As for one, I am not moving to England this autumn! I'm not sure if these are good or bad news..:D
But instead I will be attending Aalto University Taiteiden ja suunnittelun korkeakoulu's Photography course. I really didn't expect to be accepted there.. : o
I got also accepted to Lahden Muotoiluinstituutti, and it was a really hard choice, but I ended up accepting taik's offer.

Tomorrow I'm off for Japan for almost a month, it's gonna be awesummmee! I already have my cameras and film packed!! First we'll be in Tokyo for almost 3 weeks and then we'll tour through Kyoto and Osaka, and fly home from Osaka. So lots of pictures will be taken!

I hope there will be more frequent updates after I get my new laptop, everything I do feels like I'm slushing through mud with this one. I have so much good material on my hard-drive, but processing and editing images is a nightmare right now : ( also I have a pack of undeveloped film just waiting in a corner of my room..

1 comment:

  1. Toi eka kuva (noi molemmat kyllä mut toi eka varsinki) on ihan maaginen!! Päätit sitten mennä taikiin, hyvä!!!!!!!
